Elmore Dodge:
A beautiful day in San Antonio
Elmore Dodge:
Looking Back
Elmore Dodge:
Saharan sand supports sensational San Antonio sunset.
Elmore Dodge:
Elmore Dodge:
Candlestick Tower
Elmore Dodge:
Moon over La Sal Mountains
Elmore Dodge:
‘Long Side the River
Elmore Dodge:
I Roo the day…and night
Elmore Dodge:
Chlorophyll Addiction
Elmore Dodge:
They look like they feel…
Elmore Dodge:
The Horizon Moving Up
Elmore Dodge:
Elmore Dodge:
Back to Sabinal
Elmore Dodge:
World Out There
Elmore Dodge:
Roo / Wet face
Elmore Dodge:
Crack to Black
Elmore Dodge:
Ascending Darkness
Elmore Dodge:
Long Live the King
Elmore Dodge:
Obscurity in Barnum’s Public
Elmore Dodge:
Red Wash Canyon / Rio Chama
Elmore Dodge:
Jicarilla Apache Nation Reservation
Elmore Dodge:
Rock and Cerro Pedernal
Elmore Dodge:
Ash and Sky
Elmore Dodge:
Badland Hills
Elmore Dodge:
Abiquiu Dam
Elmore Dodge:
Ponderosa Pine and Forest Floor
Elmore Dodge:
Sand deposited on snow
Elmore Dodge:
Elmore Dodge:
Brazos Peak
Elmore Dodge:
Santa Rosa Dam