Elliot. C.: A friend from Argentina...!!!
Elliot. C.: Fox house...!!!
Elliot. C.: Cuauhtemoc of Mexico...!!!
Elliot. C.: Olsok..2...!!!
Elliot. C.: Happy hour...!!!
Elliot. C.: Handykaped landcrab...!!!
Elliot. C.: Olsok kveld...!!!
Elliot. C.: Hovden...!!!
Elliot. C.: Shaba of Oman..!!!
Elliot. C.: Oro...!!!
Elliot. C.: Big fish ???...!!!
Elliot. C.: Olimpic game 1908..!!!.
Elliot. C.: Peace....!!!
Elliot. C.: Nipa....!!!
Elliot. C.: Waiting...!!!
Elliot. C.: Part of Flora harbour...!!!
Elliot. C.: Gold...!!!
Elliot. C.: Stabben...!!!
Elliot. C.: Running money....!!!
Elliot. C.: Svartskalle...!!!
Elliot. C.: Svanhild...!!!
Elliot. C.: Hjørnebua...!!!
Elliot. C.: Cow`s and flowers...!!!
Elliot. C.: 22.29.09...!!!
Elliot. C.: allmost full moon...!!!
Elliot. C.: midnight hour...!!!
Elliot. C.: Peaceful...!!!