Aurus Jadwiga Betley: 383145_174442829324181_164273797007751_235746_903227918_n
Aurus Jadwiga Betley: IMG_9443olis1
Aran Studio: JWL-ArtDuel Septiembre 2012
grekei: mayan colors
DayaMasabot: Cojunto verde
Cielocreativa: Collares de Swarovski color Montana
Veva ♥: Collar bolsito
María Eva Ramos - Niná Studio: My imaginary and colorful jungle - Mi imaginaria y colorida jungla
anikosandor: Abstract diamonds
anikosandor: Copper woven earrings with geometric shape
Aqua Runa: Cjto006 - Green Sea
smokeykat: jb01
smokeykat: stormy1
heartinhawaii: beaded plumeria hair comb - pearly white
Fireflies"Ro": Sunbeams Bracelet and Necklace
Perlenzauberin: Nachtschatten
gingerbeaddesigns: Cabochon Bling
gingerbeaddesigns: Turquoise and Yellow Spring Spirals
gingerbeaddesigns: Shades of Grey
Mar-max: Pyramid
tunino1: Rigel
passu25: Dome
passu25: Disdome de frente
passu25: Disdome por detras
Don't worry, Bead Happy: If you put your mind to it
passu25: PENDIENTES 27
passu25: Para Merche
LaChicaDeLosAnillos: green and yellow beaded beads necklace
makeupanid: Make a Wish and Close your Eyes
Lake Fred: Black Dragon