ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Drinking Fountain and Sundial
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Drinking Fountain and Sundial
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Drinking Fountain and Sundial
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - wind vane
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - wind vane
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Walled Garden - Plaque - The Queen
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Walled Garden - path
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Walled Garden - sundial
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Walled Garden - War memorial - 94th Bombardment Group - USAAF
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Walled Garden - War memorial - 94th Bombardment Group - USAAF
ell brown: Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - Walled Garden - War memorial - 94th Bombardment Group - USAAF
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - plaque - Grand Prix d'Excellence Entente Florale 1989
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: St Edmundsbury Cathedral - Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - flag
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - bench
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - plaque - Magna Charta
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - plaque - Magna Charta
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds
ell brown: Abbey Ruins in the Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds - plaque - panel 3 - The Crossing and the Shrine