elivaos: A beetle on a Euphorbia martinii
elivaos: Autumn is here.
elivaos: sky when leaving the office.
elivaos: golden kiwi
elivaos: Strawberries from our garden.
elivaos: tulipán marchito
elivaos: One of the lilies at home.
elivaos: seeds?
elivaos: Carton on the table
elivaos: a small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) butterfly.
elivaos: The same red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) butterfly
elivaos: a red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) butterfly
elivaos: Yellow flower still waiting to go out! :)
elivaos: Visitor
elivaos: Flower and hovering bee
elivaos: Pink, and orange flower
elivaos: Buddleja and bee (?)
elivaos: white flower and a little bee.
elivaos: We were not the only ones working in the garden
elivaos: Frogs
elivaos: Luchita, la ranita.
elivaos: Kinderdijk
elivaos: Green Strawberries
elivaos: Sempervivum
elivaos: Purple poppy
elivaos: Llueve en Rotterdam
elivaos: Dragon
elivaos: IMAG0774.jpg
elivaos: Amarillis?
elivaos: Orchids