eleese: Mr. and Mrs. Loquat
eleese: I'm not the only one
eleese: I think he's drunk
eleese: hrm.
eleese: What is Jason doing?
eleese: Elise and Jocelyn
eleese: Tricycle Records represent
eleese: Don smells something funny
eleese: new purple hair
eleese: Smokers.
eleese: Nick and his wife
eleese: Two Seconds
eleese: Sierra, Elise, and Lily
eleese: Meredith and Jason
eleese: Nick Fitzsimmons and his wife
eleese: Two Seconds
eleese: Kylee and Anthony
eleese: Dusty is scary
eleese: Jocelyn and Jason
eleese: or be All Good, Design Kid
eleese: Aim Low, Kid
eleese: Jeff
eleese: Tobias
eleese: Tobias and Elise
eleese: Matt and Elise
eleese: Yvette
eleese: Andrew
eleese: Elias and Julie
eleese: Elias and Julie
eleese: Heather