eleese: cds
eleese: Merin
eleese: Pete and Rusty
eleese: Pete and Rusty
eleese: Nick
eleese: Midori
eleese: Elise, Chris and Ryan at Gavin's
eleese: The laydeeees
eleese: Ryan and Elise
eleese: Afterparty in Williamsburg at Gavin's
eleese: Afterparty at Gavin's in Williamsburg, Ted and Kylee
eleese: Housewarming party at Gavin's in Williamsburg
eleese: Housewarming party at Gavin's in Williamburg, with Chris and Anthony
eleese: Monotonix at Music Hall in Williamsburg
eleese: Monotonix at Music Hall in Williamsburg
eleese: Group shot at Mercury Lounge.
eleese: Angie looking cute in my Awesome New Hat
eleese: Pete on the way to brunch in Williamsburg
eleese: Elise with random dudes that I met at Mercury Lounge
eleese: Elise, Sheila Kenny, her sister and friend. yays!
eleese: Passenger at Webster Hall Studio. MMMmmm.
eleese: Elise, zee fabulous Andrew, and his coworkers
eleese: Yard in Williamsburg
eleese: Ladies and Gentlemen, Misty White
eleese: C.J, Misty, Ted, Elise
eleese: Misty and Elise
eleese: Mark and Elise
eleese: Jason sporting my new hat
eleese: Dagan and Jason
eleese: Elise and C.J.