Sibilaria: "Ma siete sicure? " "Fidati la mamma fa così, diventerai bellissima come noi" "ti taglio solo due ciocche""l'acqua bolle buttatela dentro"
ranma.pician: margò
Valerio Spisani: modality of cosmic matter
Unicornmine: Giving tree.. Buy some stuff, pick an apple, win free stuff at our table! Lol Who doesn't like free stuff!? Stop by and win!! #blythe #blythedolls #blythestagram #seattleblythecon I will be sharing my table with @sglahe
Unicornmine: Announcing my newest Middie Scalp Model!
Big-Eyed: Tag-game "Polka dots"
ermy78@: Era per lei il cappellino che indossava Giulia!!!
specials-4me: Minty Brunette DR
Daniela077: Hanna
Jaime Carter: #132/365 - Cat Show
Daniela077: Maggie
Gio's Sweet Dolls: Serenity Belle Collezione Heléne Chanel Fiammetta
scx77: Tartaruga
Gio's Sweet Dolls: My lovely Kate in a new outfit
llorence78: Clochette ... again... :o) 250 € (not sure to sell her...)
coodge29: Josie - Bru Crimp
jesska80: OOAK Mattel My Child Doll ~ Commission Doll ~ Rapunzel
jesska80: OOAK Mattel My Child Doll ~ Commission Doll ~ Rapunzel ~ 5 Strand Braid
iced_lilly: Please Mumma
le bimbe di Laura: Le bambole corrono con la sua macchina...
Fefa1991: Tartaruga