elghund: Neighborhood pheasant. Just now.
elghund: Baked rhubarb chicken over brown jasmine rice. Spring again.
elghund: Ashby Town Meeting into 5th hour.
elghund: Survived winter, moles & kitty urine.
elghund: Oh well.
elghund: Cats & dog.
elghund: Red flannel hash. St. P's weekend leftovers.
elghund: St. Patrick's Bunny, out pantry window, just now.
elghund: Super beaver moon over Glenwood Cemetery.
elghund: Fresh hand-cut salsa. My San Marino tomatoes as they ripen in the pantry.
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elghund: Risotto Milanese with scallops.
elghund: Evening color, just now.
elghund: Zupa Buraczki. Polish beet soup. Local beets, spareribs, potatoes & sour cream.
elghund: Kohlrabi, potatoes, fresh tomato sauce.
elghund: Low morning light, some color left after wind & rain.
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elghund: upload
elghund: Spider. 1 1/2 in. Leg tip to leg tip.
elghund: Wild blackberry blossom background.
elghund: Why my lawn doesn't look like a Country Club fairway.
elghund: Early light.
elghund: Moosewood Cookbook Swiss Cheese & Mushroom Quiche.
elghund: Moon. Full Saturday. Orion to left, may not be visible in snapshot.
elghund: Clearing in Ashby.
elghund: Sunrise, what's left of full moon setting in the west. High clouds ahead of storm.
elghund: Yorkshire pudding to go with roast beef Mary cooked.
elghund: Christmas afternoon sky.
elghund: Christmas Eve. Color was to the north. Record warm temps.
elghund: 2 dozen turkeys, more or less, this drizzly morning.