Elevated: It didn't take us long to spot stop #1
Elevated: Deep Fried Snickers
Elevated: Deep Fried Cookie Dough
Elevated: Deep Fried Cookie Dough
Elevated: Side view of the place that gave me my stroke
Elevated: Cue angel music
Elevated: Deep fried avocado
Elevated: Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich
Elevated: Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich
Elevated: Krispy kreme chicken sandwich
Elevated: Krispy kreme chicken sandwich
Elevated: "Deep fried Twinkie"
Elevated: Deep fried Twinkie
Elevated: Deep fried smores
Elevated: Greazzzzze
Elevated: Buster?
Elevated: Cow
Elevated: Moooo
Elevated: I miss AZ
Elevated: Snow
Elevated: There's a burro head in my car!
Elevated: My college roommate was in town
Elevated: On the roof - it was a doggy park with a DJ and a bar
Elevated: View of downtown
Elevated: I use to work across the street from here
Elevated: Can you see her dog w the bull horns
Elevated: His bling moved, he had a big $
Elevated: There are amazing houses all over California. I've driven by so many, wondering what was just beyond that fortress of a wall standing between a life only to be dreamed of and mine.
Elevated: Sometimes you can get a quick peek when they open the doors.
Elevated: but sometimes...sometimes....the generous owners open their alternative realities to the public and let us wander around mouth agape and minds dreaming.