Elevated: I tried to get him to say hello
Elevated: This is all I could get
Elevated: Someone's Mom got an early gift
Elevated: He occasionally snorts to let me know he's alive
Elevated: Ridiculously cute
Elevated: Shall we wager how long this stays white?
Elevated: Domo is modeling my big news!
Elevated: I think Buster likes our new digs
Elevated: Domo chilling
Elevated: Domo wasn't happy when I told him to get out of my chair
Elevated: The guava rocked
Elevated: Zzzzzz
Elevated: Is there anything more pathetic?
Elevated: Maybe this
Elevated: Domo wonders where his bum is
Elevated: Domo likes Bak Kut Teh
Elevated: Mmmmm
Elevated: Great minds think alike
Elevated: Notice her background is diff in the next pic
Elevated: Trying not to get sick
Elevated: View
Elevated: Sour Sop
Elevated: why hellooooo
Elevated: Buster does a dramatic reenactment of me reaching maximum brain capacity
Elevated: I'm cute
Elevated: ooooo yeh baby
Elevated: mmm so creamy and collony
Elevated: He's dreaming he's superman
Elevated: Busy day at the office
Elevated: Undercover cam busts an Asian doggie massage parlor