Elevated: Snug as a bug
Elevated: Dooooood
Elevated: this rocks
Elevated: The fat one's cute but man can he fart
Elevated: The Swedish chef and her lobster
Elevated: Bork Bork Bork!
Elevated: Found!!
Elevated: I want a bed like this
Elevated: awwwww cute
Elevated: One of our AZ friends
Elevated: Cute AZ cowboy
Elevated: Wierdos
Elevated: Milo does his best Buster immitation
Elevated: *squish*
Elevated: It all starts with this vision of cuteness I had
Elevated: I had it twice in fact
Elevated: A strange animal with a thing called a tail and a nose visited
Elevated: He wouldn't stop moving so he got blasted by the bright light
Elevated: Then we were called (OK they really didn't have to call us) into the kitchen
Elevated: The humans weren't drinking any funny grape juice
Elevated: I don't know why we got thier food
Elevated: I'm not complaining though
Elevated: and neither is Milo from the look in his eyes
Elevated: Milo gets in a little pre party
Elevated: Berk shows the boys how it is done
Elevated: Milo's Groucho eyes kill me
Elevated: Milo still partying
Elevated: Cuteness
Elevated: Just wanna bite her
Elevated: Now that's relaxation