Andy Graulund: Lookin' pretty good, spring. 🌸
Andy Graulund: Suddenly, a ceiling mounted photo backdrop at home. Set it up this weekend. Pretty damn cool! 😎📷🔫
Andy Graulund: Good morning. ☀️
Andy Graulund: February is already looking pretty okay. ☀️🚌
Andy Graulund: We walked to the southern end of Sólheimajökull, one of the tongues of the large Myrdalsjökull. Fascinating to see the rough elements (ice, water and earth) play together.
Andy Graulund: Walking on a glacier in Iceland meant that I got snow under my feet in August. A first for me. ❄️
Andy Graulund: Somewhere in Iceland.
Andy Graulund: I still have a couple photos left from Iceland, and this is one of my favorites. The black beaches along the south shore were magnificent and otherworldly.
Andy Graulund: The beautiful Snæfellsjökull glacier seen from across the valley.
Andy Graulund: Well-placed bench at Skógafoss.
Andy Graulund: Beautiful northern town.
Andy Graulund: Heading home from Iceland today. Even though I was only here for less than a week, it's been an intense experience. The land is just so crazy beautiful. Here's an actual selfie showing what Iceland can do to your hair if you're not careful. Haha. Tons mor
Andy Graulund: Skogafoss is impressive in its size despite its relative loneliness. Beautiful green rolling hills are suddenly interrupted by this wide river, which rushes by in its journey towards the Atlantic Ocean.
Andy Graulund: This photo is from one of my greatest moments on Iceland so far. We were driving through a rough alien landscape filled with dry lava (visible to the right), and suddenly it changed abruptly to the greenest, most peaceful meadows, with little blue creeks
Andy Graulund: Somewhere across the lake from Borgarnes.
Andy Graulund: Nowhere.
Andy Graulund: Water rushing from the glaciers.
Andy Graulund: Little Geysir. Just look at the lil' guy!
Andy Graulund: Geothermal activity.
Andy Graulund: Akranes, where one lighthouse is not enough.
Andy Graulund: Leif Eriksson in front of Iceland's greatest church.
Andy Graulund: Last night, I went out for a last glimpse of Manhattan before the trip eastward. It was beautiful, as it usually is.
Andy Graulund: Always look up!
Andy Graulund: So, this happened yesterday!
Andy Graulund: Final one from the top.
Andy Graulund: Central Park from above
Andy Graulund: Had to get to the top again. Still worth it.
Andy Graulund: Inner city mountaintop