wjm-photography: Fuchs _1A1A2162
Maria Sciandra: Crisantemo Amarilla
JH_1982: Oculus, New York City, NY, USA
Martin Bärtges: Frozen evergreen
Joseph W Ling: Fire bird eating in the snow
Mike Reichardt Thanks for 5,7 Million views: Pink roses in my Garden frosted by hoarfrost
Martin Bärtges: Moss spores and raindrops
SVA1969: Futuristic Elegance
SVA1969: Silence on Fuji's Waters
Frank van Dongen: Winter’s Quiet Goodbye to the Day
Sultan Sultani: Looking to Each Other
Frank van Dongen: Sanctuary in the Clouds
Frank van Dongen: Into the Wild
Gladys Klip: Zeearend / white-tailed eagle / Pygargue à queue blanche
Gaetan Bois: France - Rennes - Subway Station
austindca: hibiscus scentless plant bug
Martin Bärtges: Mushroom family in the moss on a tree stump
David Travis Photography: Talk Talk Staircase
davehash6: DSC03611e
davehash6: DSC03615e
TLG99: Camelia and Bee
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: My favorite panda, Yuan Bao (Taipei Zoo)
Martin Bärtges: Just 50 Cents for a toy
LauraSorrells: crucifix and pendant
throck.photo: Winter Robin
throck.photo: American Robin Eating Berry