Eleanor_Anne: DSC_6973-contestEdit2
Eleanor_Anne: 155contestedit
Eleanor_Anne: 081contestedit
Eleanor_Anne: 053contestedit
Eleanor_Anne: 029contestedit
Eleanor_Anne: 017contestedit
Eleanor_Anne: 010contestedit1
Eleanor_Anne: upload
Eleanor_Anne: upload
Eleanor_Anne: faceup mock-up.
Eleanor_Anne: kinda terrible picture of the neck mod.
Eleanor_Anne: minifee/doll chateau
Eleanor_Anne: all of the dollies!
Eleanor_Anne: new dress 💕
Eleanor_Anne: up to eleven!
Eleanor_Anne: trying to get the hang of the whole "posing boy dolls" thing...
Eleanor_Anne: pretty bbs hanging out with me at the computer 💕
Eleanor_Anne: so, I mean... they're pretty cute together...
Eleanor_Anne: progress on lark's wig. sewing in all the feathers.