eldphoto: upload
eldphoto: after the rain
eldphoto: daytime moon through very old glass
eldphoto: bridge to my youth
eldphoto: just hangin' out
eldphoto: Midway
eldphoto: Zero Gravity
eldphoto: supermoon 2012
eldphoto: supermoon 2012
eldphoto: trees in bloom
eldphoto: make a wish
eldphoto: walk @ indian kill
eldphoto: bowling shoes
eldphoto: poofy cattail
eldphoto: poignant graffiti
eldphoto: tattooed tree
eldphoto: Thaddeus Kosciusko Bridge / Twin Bridges
eldphoto: mother nature left her christmas decorations up too long
eldphoto: mute
eldphoto: Danger, Will Robinson!
eldphoto: splash
eldphoto: glasses
eldphoto: in-step
eldphoto: Malta Drive-In
eldphoto: double vision
eldphoto: these hands
eldphoto: binder clips
eldphoto: Genesee Beer Sign, newly lit
eldphoto: Hunter Dinerant
eldphoto: daisies