Elad V.: Spider Web in Sunlight
Elad V.: Transamerica Pyramid through the Golden Gate Bridge
Elad V.: Capturing the Sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge
Elad V.: Sunrise over San Francisco and the foggy Golden Gate Bridge
Elad V.: Golden Gate Sunrise
Elad V.: Golden Gate Fog at Sunrise
Elad V.: Sunrise Colours at the Golden Gate Bridge
Elad V.: San Francisco Panorama
Elad V.: San Francisco Market Street
Elad V.: Coit Tower, San Francisco
Elad V.: Lombard Street, San Francisco
Elad V.: Steep Hill, San Francisco
Elad V.: Alcatraz from Coit Tower
Elad V.: Sunset over Alcatraz
Elad V.: Golden Gate Sunset
Elad V.: San Francisco from Coit Tower
Elad V.: Edinburgh Castle Sunset
Elad V.: The Rest and Be Thankful
Elad V.: Mac at the 'Rest and Be Thankful
Elad V.: Loch Lomond Sunset from Duck Bay
Elad V.: Inveraray Reflected
Elad V.: Inveraray
Elad V.: Stream near the Rest and Be Thankful
Elad V.: Mac cooling down
Elad V.: Mac at Halloween
Elad V.: Mac at Crianlarich
Elad V.: Near the Green Welly Stop
Elad V.: Dog Eye Macro
Elad V.: Jumping Spider
Elad V.: Jumping Mac