Timothy Valentine: Festooned
Timothy Valentine: 356/365 - Polaroid
Timothy Valentine: 355/365 - The Man in the Mirror
Timothy Valentine: 353/365 - Shower Curtain
Timothy Valentine: Old World
Timothy Valentine: 348/365 - Behind the Wheel
Timothy Valentine: 346/365 - Remote
Timothy Valentine: 344/365 - Shower
Timothy Valentine: 359/365 - Window with Fuzzy Dice
Timothy Valentine: Pattumiera
Timothy Valentine: 362/365 - The Blue Bird of Happiness
Timothy Valentine: 363/365 - Fitting
Timothy Valentine: 364/365 - In the Kitchen
Timothy Valentine: 365/365 - $3.65
Timothy Valentine: Yucca Palm
Timothy Valentine: Conference Room
Timothy Valentine: Duncan sees a ghost
Timothy Valentine: Coca-Cola
Timothy Valentine: Marble Box
Timothy Valentine: Space II
Timothy Valentine: Silent Knight
Timothy Valentine: Searching for an Exit
Timothy Valentine: Man in a Tube