Timothy Valentine: Vineyard Dawn
Timothy Valentine: Under the Lamp
Timothy Valentine: Bermuda04034A
Timothy Valentine: Peony opening
Timothy Valentine: Undulations-2
Timothy Valentine: Harrison Point Lighthouse
Timothy Valentine: Royal Naval Dockyard-Bermuda
Timothy Valentine: Seven Seas Market
Timothy Valentine: DSC_0115.JPG
Timothy Valentine: Undulations
Timothy Valentine: Tuscan Soup
Timothy Valentine: Planting a Wand Flower-9
Timothy Valentine: Nantucket Lighthouse
Timothy Valentine: Vineyard Sound
Timothy Valentine: Perkins Cove, Ogunquit
Timothy Valentine: Gone Fishin'
Timothy Valentine: El Ramon
Timothy Valentine: Gull - Monterey #30
Timothy Valentine: Yachting Dog
Timothy Valentine: White Tank
Timothy Valentine: Young El Ramon at the beach
Timothy Valentine: Ice Cream!