Ris~Ras: A dónde vais?
Sugar Balloon: Blythe a Day (May) 1: Flowers
wirsmom: Valentine's Dresses up Now
Skulleigh: Reaction to "Here, Hold Fred."
Skulleigh: Fred!
G.Baby Dolls: GiGi's slightly darker pink sister..
Sugar Balloon: She and I...
Meigaland: Mi pequeña Zoe
Meigaland: Martina wants to dream // Martina quiere soñar
Meigaland: Martina's looking for love // Martina busca amor
Meigaland: My new custom
Meigaland: Elvira, Juliette, Irina y Zoe
Meigaland: My new custom
Meigaland: Visita a Bilbao
Meigaland: New Custom to Carmen (Mitsubish)
Meigaland: NewCustom to Carmen (Mitsubish)
Meigaland: Nora's stills needing a home (FA)
Meigaland: Nora's stills needing a home (FA)
CAIPI007: Custom
fifilatrixabel: It's Over
SOulGirlღ: .Charlize.
♥ Caramelaw ♥: (For Kathy) Candy KiiPups
♥ Caramelaw ♥: Strawberry Flossface
♥ Caramelaw ♥: Caramelpops Adventure Time Series - LSP
♥ Caramelaw ♥: Little Chocopan
♥ Caramelaw ♥: Little Chocopan
♥ Caramelaw ♥: Candy Poppilita