taxtamas: gift
michael_hamburg69: Knock on wood
Mr B Eyes open: The inseparable bond between dog & owner, its similar to us & our mind. We’re the owners & minds the dog. The more me respect, nurture & are consciously aware, utilising the beautiful instrument that our mind is, the less the mind will react to oneself
Mr B Eyes open: Destination unknown, life’s journey creates opportunities at each step & each breath. Yr life is now in this moment. Live & enjoy now without expectation & the need to know what’s next, as if this is all you have. Unfortunately many miss this opportunity
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Yr light reflects you, it loves you & always respects you. Love is forever, love is always, the link & the connection is yr positive reflection, yr innate affection. See yr light shine through bars that you think protect you yet may restrict you
ebrubekci: Wait.
michael_hamburg69: Lady Bug... not ladybug
ARRRRT: What's on girl?
jooka5000: window shopping blues
jooka5000: attack of the 5.8 ft photographer 2
giudialto: B&W n. 25
ebrubekci: Light.
ebrubekci: Light.
ebrubekci: Tea.
mryncarz: Old Town
Ron Coddington: Mad Ratter
LFelipe_P: Ricones