Not sure if it still counts as a Spanish omelette once I added mushrooms, peppers, and seasoned beef, but it still counts as yummy.
The unusual track lefts by glitchy's early morning bathroom break (back when we had snow).
Do you think the designer left the space just for stall mates to pass TP to each other if needed?
Glitchy had a photo shoot a while back with a photography student, and now the final projects are up for viewing. Spot the Glitchy!
Angela Davis signing a friend's copy of Life magazine from 1970 with her on the cover. (with my sharpie.)
Grapefruit (bad flavor) +Beer (bad flavor) ___________________________ Surprisingly delicious and refreshing.
It's not often people post pics of trash. This is the trash I picked up while walking along one mile of Gulf Road in Colton. The mile my dog and I walk. I only grabbed the stuff right along the road, and one bag wasn't enough. How hard is it to not throw
It's been too long and my tolerance for spicy food has diminished. Burning deliciousness- thank you Swon!
I've been sending faxes through Resistbot, the first couple were about healthcare, the most recent batch were about cutting funding for the arts, humanities, museums, and libraries. I still mean to make phone calls as well, but this format is easy.
Some people see Jesus in their toast, devils in their wood grain, and faces on Mars. I see music staffs appearing in the fog of my bathroom mirror.
These ear plugs are 20-ish years old. I got them from my ME (Brian Fehd) as an opening night gift. I was setting off some of our pyro effects, concussions to be exact, while stand just a couple of feet from them. Tonight I'm playing between a trumpet, amp
The look I get as I'm getting ready to leave. (AKA the reason I'm often 5 to 10 minutes late.)