ekcragg: Tyne Bridge
ekcragg: Queen Elizabeth II metro bridge (3)
ekcragg: Queen Elizabeth II metro bridge (2)
ekcragg: Queen Elizabeth II metro bridge (1)
ekcragg: Redheugh bridge
ekcragg: King Edward railway bridge
ekcragg: Under the Millennium Bridge
ekcragg: Under the Tyne Bridge
ekcragg: With Jackie Milburn at St James' Park
ekcragg: All packed and ready to go
ekcragg: Getting some culture at the Side
ekcragg: Breaking the rules at the Great North Museum
ekcragg: Camera heaven
ekcragg: Tyneside Cinema
ekcragg: The Side
ekcragg: Tyne Bridge
ekcragg: Your Future...
ekcragg: Quayside View (2)
ekcragg: Quayside View (3)
ekcragg: Lego Design Day
ekcragg: Lego Angel
ekcragg: Destruction of Cruddas Park
ekcragg: Amen Corner
ekcragg: The Settle Down Cafe
ekcragg: Tyneside Cinema