e is outside: Approaching the void. #artmotherfucker #notanartist #drinkbeermakeart #mixedmedia
e is outside: Beksinski copy #87
e is outside: 2021-07-15_10-47-50
e is outside: Do not mind the weird shapes in the sky.
e is outside: The Tree of Knowlegde? Eat of it and see
e is outside: Whimsical barn by a lake with silly mountains
e is outside: Barn by a lake.
e is outside: Stone circle
e is outside: Panoramic wandering
e is outside: Tower in an island in a lake or some such Holy Grail type shite
e is outside: Tunnel travels
e is outside: Empty symbol
e is outside: This desert can't go on forever...
e is outside: Up, up, up.
e is outside: Looks like an inviting place to spend the night
e is outside: Wandering the mushroom forest
e is outside: Maybe there is something around the bend
e is outside: What's in the next dimension?
e is outside: I actually rather dislike this one. Oh well.
e is outside: Gay Street, Knoxville, TN.
e is outside: Tunnel city
e is outside: Some castle on a hill
e is outside: Emulating another artist. I dont feel bad because I'm not selling anything.
e is outside: Lost in another mushroom forest
e is outside: Shelter from the storm.
e is outside: Sacreligeous, as usual.
e is outside: 2020-11-15_08-54-12
e is outside: Abandon all hope, ye who enter....
e is outside: Forest wandering
e is outside: Open door.