yus_prinandy: black widow
exdigecko: Why do you want to take a portrait of someone you've never seen
Glenn Meling: Funeral
Mark Lobo .: I'm going to Phoot Camp 2010
strobist: Optemax.jpg
Glenn Meling: A Chinese fisherman with his two cormorants
Severin Sadjina: By the Sea 2
Ingrim, Leon: Sergi - Crag Park
tadobi: Erato- location photo shoot
Benj Haisch: AMANDA-663
Tommy Larsen: Pål through the Bronica
olelovold: 20100523-IMG_8507
Alfie | Japanorama: Salaryman on rainy day; ChinaTown, Yokohama
strobist: Brum_2234.jpg
chris_florio: 250/365
Petey Photography | fortysixtyphoto.com: Banda Comucristo (Explored!)
tim-johnson: David & Andrew Acuff
marieke 2009: Seen the light
Anders Hagen-Næsset: Memories Of November
jtsteeves: Valley of the Ten Peaks
sir_watkyn: Magical Mountains - On Explore
Robb884: Herman - A canon user.........
exdigecko: Stylish Bloke
David Sandell: Mårten Sixten II