E carol wichman: Sandy thinks she can use the computer
E carol wichman: Baby rattle sampler
E carol wichman: Ken and Sandy
E carol wichman: Who me sleep
E carol wichman: This was a good spot
E carol wichman: What's that I hear?
E carol wichman: Latte, soo good.
E carol wichman: Blowing away the leaves and trash from olives.JPG
E carol wichman: Inside the oil factory.JPG
E carol wichman: Pouring olives into grinder.JPG
E carol wichman: Cold press.JPG
E carol wichman: Bottled oil.JPG
E carol wichman: Scare Crow.JPG
E carol wichman: They also make olive oil soap.JPG
E carol wichman: Packages of soap ready for sale.JPG
E carol wichman: Entrance to wing of house at Olive Farm.JPG
E carol wichman: Old Ship Masthead above entrance.JPG
E carol wichman: Cairo Petrolem Wives tour of Olive farm begins.JPG
E carol wichman: Olives for oil.JPG
E carol wichman: Picked olives.JPG
E carol wichman: Washing the olives.JPG
E carol wichman: This man is preparing to clean the olives of leaves.JPG
E carol wichman: ranadon lamps on pigeon house
E carol wichman: Rana and Doug Kidd
E carol wichman: Rana and Doug Kidd
E carol wichman: Nael andRana ordering
E carol wichman: Clarence and Ken at Le Borg Restrurant
E carol wichman: Faye and Clarence
E carol wichman: This is the last gekko picture
E carol wichman: DSC05406.JPG