eggsngrits: Completely unfair. #canthave
eggsngrits: Rusty.
eggsngrits: Happy Easter!
eggsngrits: The main attraction.
eggsngrits: These rollers are GOOD. #sayitwithcharmin
eggsngrits: Rico and I just watching some hoops.
eggsngrits: Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
eggsngrits: Today is Rico approved.
eggsngrits: The fam kids. #thanksgiving
eggsngrits: Your listening assignment for today. #classic
eggsngrits: Game over.
eggsngrits: Vale Nick's Italian Deli. #willbemissed
eggsngrits: Stephanie's new house! Habitat for Humanity of Williamson-Maury.
eggsngrits: Old School.
eggsngrits: Veteran's Day treat.
eggsngrits: Rico is salty about this homework situation. #dogshateschool
eggsngrits: Making socks great again!
eggsngrits: Musical pun.
eggsngrits: Dead Man's Party.
eggsngrits: Screech beach!
eggsngrits: A chilly but beautiful afternoon.
eggsngrits: Yes, it's still good.
eggsngrits: My lunch is better than your lunch.
eggsngrits: @nashbizjournal Fast 50 dominated by contractors. Given the construction boom, not surprising.
eggsngrits: Sean Henry, CEO of the #Nashville #Predators. "We pursue goals recklessly."
eggsngrits: Yes, we have two teenagers. Why do you ask?
eggsngrits: Kids playing Irish folk music on the lawn of the Presbyterian church. That's Franklin.
eggsngrits: Can't beat a New York thin crust pie at Nick's!
eggsngrits: Lunch.