Eric.Galloway: Arisaema triphyllum (jack-in-the-pulpit, bog onion, brown dragon, Indian turnip, American wake robin, or wild turnip)
Eric.Galloway: Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's breeches)
Eric.Galloway: Cardamine concatenata (cutleaf toothwort, crow's toes, pepper root or purple-flowered toothwort)
Eric.Galloway: Container by Mailbox
Eric.Galloway: Blazing Stars
Eric.Galloway: Lillies
Eric.Galloway: Back Corner
Eric.Galloway: Neighbor's Garden
Eric.Galloway: Natives
Eric.Galloway: Decimated Sunflowers
Eric.Galloway: False Indigo
Eric.Galloway: Milkweed
Eric.Galloway: Black-Eyed Susans
Eric.Galloway: Blazing Stars
Eric.Galloway: Cup Plants
Eric.Galloway: Panorama of Side of House
Eric.Galloway: Queen of the Prairie
Eric.Galloway: Lillies
Eric.Galloway: Filbert
Eric.Galloway: LIllies
Eric.Galloway: Ornamental Grass
Eric.Galloway: Hibiscus
Eric.Galloway: Hydrangea
Eric.Galloway: Hygrangea
Eric.Galloway: Cup Plant
Eric.Galloway: Cone Flower
Eric.Galloway: Queen of the Prarie
Eric.Galloway: White Turtlehead
Eric.Galloway: Shortridge-High-School-3401-North-Meridian-Street-Center-Bay