Fritz Myer: IMG_2931 Uke Rus Emb
Fritz Myer: IMG_1725southport
sebboh: looking up
forbesimages: Spotted Flycatcher
DaddyNewt: Scruffy
NB~Photo: Junco - Perched
NB~Photo: You may not pass.....
NB~Photo: Wilson Snipe
Ken-ichi: Long-tailed Metamorph
Ken-ichi: Wonkalicious
Michael Andrassi: Pulling together
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: gray fox ~ zen master
ah_pics: Bar Tailed Godwit & Eurasian Oystercatcher
forbesimages: Common Blue
Fritz Myer: Two's a crowd
Minette Layne-Worthey: Dr. Peeperz
Brian Howell: Throw-net Fishing
cvrestan: Upper Antelope Canyon
ozoni11: Test Shot...Nikon D7100 and Nikon 80-400mm AF-S
ComputerHotline: Araneae sp.
ah_pics: Lesser Scaup
ah_pics: Another sign of Spring
Matt D Marshall: Mistletoebird
matt "smooth tooth" knoth: check out the real situation