Mike | MP-P: Plaza de San Francisco
maurizio_scacchi: self-portait...hehehe..!
Northeast Sam: Missing Oman 2008 XXXVI
Northeast Sam: Rear of MIA with 7 Sculpture Night V700
Northeast Sam: 7 Large Format Night
EleanorRigby236: “Everyone knows they're going to die,' he said again, 'but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently.”
(rino): roma-ntic...
lynn.creamer: eyes open - bright sun
lynn.creamer: Friends
lynn.creamer: Front porch on a fall afternoon
Richard Wintle: Totem pole, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
oprisco: muse
oprisco: ***
Anna Chobotova: Andersen.Fairy tales
Anna Chobotova: fashionable girls
Anna Chobotova: Venus Anadyomene
Anna Chobotova: Sensitivity Analysis
Anna Chobotova: Goodbye...
Vol-au-Vent: Fugue for Pigeons
camillesau: Honest
gp sachs: pentax k1000 detail
Vaclav M.: Autumn Minimalism
rexp2: Minimalism