she, myself and eye: that's where the fun is
she, myself and eye: needs some hydrating cream
she, myself and eye: pay attention
she, myself and eye: "How did I get here?!"
she, myself and eye: ...and through the woods
she, myself and eye: "Who are you gonna believe? Me, or your own lyin' eyes?!"
she, myself and eye: November 19
she, myself and eye: Back in the high life again
she, myself and eye: "I wandered, lonely as a cloud"
she, myself and eye: that's a tight squeeze
she, myself and eye: Simon says...
she, myself and eye: almost there
she, myself and eye: no artificial colors
she, myself and eye: exactly as I remembered it
she, myself and eye: the things you see: a camel
she, myself and eye: skin problems
she, myself and eye: as good a place as any
she, myself and eye: right to left
she, myself and eye: the eyes don't lie
she, myself and eye: May flowers
she, myself and eye: desert wanderings
she, myself and eye: cloudy water