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albums of edwaring
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RAR Awards 2013
Gary Stewart EP Launch 17th May 2012
Skipton Rocks April 2012
Leeds Disrupting Poverty - Jan 2011
Playful Leeds - City Museum 14th January 2012
NYE 2011- Brudnell Social Club - Graceland
Friday Picnic - Ginger Edition 16-12-11
Bandcamp Meet 26-11-11
House Gig Leeds 23-11-11
Oporto 9-11-11
Fred Goes to the Pub 6-11-11
All Sony
Unconvention Belfast
Yorkshire Sculpture Park 30-10-11
Seb 29-10-11
Sony NEX3 Nottingham
SEA Facebook 2011
sardiania 2011
6 Degrees - ITD Leeds
Roses 2011 FB
The Singing Adams, Deerpark and Gary Stewart at the Brudnell Social Club 16-4-11
Buildings & Stuff for Golden
We Are All Jim 11-3-11
Cultures Vultures Jelly Wobble!
Quick Lightroom 2 vs 3 comparison
John and Lian get Married!
MI Awards 2010
Dadi Awards 2010
Holidays in Kos
Uk Events Awards 2010
Siouxsie & Oliver get married!
Leeds Fashion Show
Roses Awards 2010
Bill Drummond Talks at Unconvention12
Gary Stewart Album Launch!
SEA Awards 2010
Mike and Elly get Married!
Field Music, Simon Wainwright (Hope and Social), The Weekknights
Sophie Naming July 2010
Sensor Malfunction
Jimmy and Suze go shooting!
Jimmy and Suze get married! (ALL the photos...)
Jimmy & Suze get married!
Chipshop Awards 2010
Valium Skies Crypt
Photo diary...
James Hamilton Jazz Orchestra 9-5-10
Roses Awards 6/5/10
Sk:n Conference Edgbaston 29-4-10
Hope and Social and Gina Dootson - Hartlepool 3-5-10
Fuji F200exr Review and Tips
Our Lost Infantry - Northern Monkey 28-2-10
Candle Building Leeds
Soundmill 6th Birthday Party!
Random Christmas Pics (lensbaby!)
NYE at Joe and Kate's
Tim and Hamsa Get Married!
Min Awards 19-11-09
Holoman - Pentax k-x High ISO
Dadi 2009
Cream Awards 2009
Islet - Cardiff Band
Hope and Social - Glastonbury 2009
Steve and Gaynor get Married!
Drum Marketing Awards 2009
Tim and Hamsa's Engagement Party
Eskimos in York
Hope and Social Tour March
Photoshoot Stuff
Wedding Portfolio
wordy 30 watch the birdy!
Huxley Wedding
The Faraways 1-6-07
Four Day Hombre - California Dreaming
FDH - Canada and New York