Pedro Lucena: Sereia
ErikBerndt: Im Innern des Füllhorns - Inside a cornucopia
ErikBerndt: I can get no sleep
ErikBerndt: Tightrope walker at the Neptune fountain
ErikBerndt: Heliport at night
In Memoriam: etva101: Overlooking Paris
In Memoriam: etva101: Reign of Fire
Feliu Renom: Safareig d'Estellencs. Old laundries in Estellencs
manfred schloesser: Bulls in the Buergerpark 2014
Lion's mane: emotional landscapes
Lion's mane: swallowing the sea.
Doeki: Moleskine. Catherine Mommsen Scott
artyfishal44: to-gethernEss
hvieirasoares: Pin Up Indie Rock
daniloz: La Petite Afrique
Tim Noonan: Urban Goose: Return to the North
Imajica Amadoro: Collaboration with Henry T. 2011 (WIP)
katawma: Canada Geese Trio
bethnerybelem: Paraty - Rio de Janeiro
Andy Rizz: E - 06
edinei montingelli: Always shining!
mjdezo: Locate Triulzi - Santuario S.Maria fonte detail
Margaret Storer-Roche: "Southwest Serenity..."
pbradyart: Leopard 03
Yoel Miler: Wherever someone looks at you,,,
Liana d'Abreu: acrílica sobre tela- 100x90 cm