caotico: evergrey_14
pasaro: Sol y nubes
PCB75: La Neska de nou
Guifré Miquel: Childhood
Guifré Miquel: Waiting for Heidi
lori_an: 920
lori_an: 171
lori_an: madrid 273
Dani Morell: AMANECER BCN 01
Guifré Miquel: Des de la Portella. Ogassa
Draconum: Nice Skyline
sashasue: Sheba, Tavi and Sasha on the bed
sashasue: Sasha loves going to the store
aUri'S: Formentera
PTorrodellas: Sunset storm cloud
PTorrodellas: Sunset clouds
Xosé Castro: Sunset happened on the way home
Arnold Pouteau's: The Lighthouse
Xosé Castro: Ana & Xosé jumping in the saltworks.