Michał Kosmulski: Lucky Star Tessellation (another view)
Elool Yanover: Stacked Square Twists-back
Elool Yanover: Stacked Square Twists-front
Michał Kosmulski: Squares and Crosses Tessellation — Crease Pattern
Michał Kosmulski: Sprout Tessellation — Crease Pattern
Michał Kosmulski: Square Pixel Tessellation — Crease Pattern
Michał Kosmulski: Square Interlace Tessellation CP with instructions
Hodaka Yamamoto: 共存共泳 -orca and dolphin
Hodaka Yamamoto: 花隧道 -Floral Tunnel 2013
Hodaka Yamamoto: 新・大阪 -Osaka Station
Hodaka Yamamoto: 夜のトリトン -moment after sunset
Hodaka Yamamoto: Flowers for Westminster
Hodaka Yamamoto: 倫敦重像 -deep into underground
Hodaka Yamamoto: 空中時計 -Flying Bens
Hodaka Yamamoto: 都会の構造 -city structure
Hodaka Yamamoto: 構内まじクール -Embankment Station
Hodaka Yamamoto: 空中議事堂 -Parliament in the sky
Hodaka Yamamoto: 空中展望 -Ocean view from the Shard
essers: DSCF4954
Hodaka Yamamoto: 零距離からの眺望 -on the bridge
Mattijn: home is where the rocket lands
DevilFishMark: 52 weeks of ICM - twentyeight
DevilFishMark: 52_2013 - 29 - Shimmer
DevilFishMark: 52_2013 - 31 - Mancunia
DevilFishMark: 52 weeks of ICM - twentynine
Hodaka Yamamoto: 異次元への入口 -Portal into another dimension
Hodaka Yamamoto: 夜の蜃気楼 -night mirage
Hodaka Yamamoto: 紫に煙る -industry in purple
Hodaka Yamamoto: 雪の降る夜 -snow night