Dave_Lawrence: Humpback Whale--Megaptera novaeangliae
William Dalton: Humpback Whale Calf (na kohola) Endangered Maui Hawaii
James R.D. Scott: Long-Finned Pilot Whale with Humpback - Cape Breton (Nova Scotia), Canada
ScottS101: Whale Shark
henrier: Swedish Fish!
HeWhoIsHim: Bitchy Jujubes
mygigi: jujubes
Juliana Gutiérrez Fotografía: ::Ink and seduction::
jojomnky: lifted
Genial23: House of Collection, Brooklyn, 2012
alexis mire: oiseau 113/365
Miss Kaplan: 08970005
Izzy Guttuso: Fantasies On Open Seas
Tree Family: beauty?
-Little Voice-: darkest before the dawn