heinzkren: the old man and the dove
Zscherny: straight
Þorri: Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir
Jin Mikami: emergence of worm
jmpastorg: Tras los muros del castillo - Behind the walls of the castle
www.krall-photography.com: Library of Admont [b/w]
josejuanrojo: Teotihuacanos
Ozlem Acaroglu(www.ozlemacaroglu.com): .........and they have escaped the weight of darkness
ArztG.|Photo: silent light
pedrelli.daniele: Domeniche di Agosto...Periferie
Roberto C., Italy: Chianciano Terme (SI) - SAM_0541-1
sven.hallmann: stairway to heaven
imagejoe: I'm on My Way !!!!!!!!!
antonella galardi: Tramonto su Siena b/n
hetocy: Alice