CROM72: "No turning back man! We're on the space ship now, fly by...Control...and Attention...going with the flow and we can't duck the weird shit, no matter how weird it is."
Porfidax: Rolling in the dee... food
Marble Blue: Light rays
Marble Blue: Bedroom
ungemuetlich: AEO2898
noamgalai: Pharrell
yaman ibrahim: DSCF0149bw
yaman ibrahim: MIA_7641bw
yaman ibrahim: MIA_5586a
Karo`: 7.
*Erickcito: Paula II
catarinae: Waiting, expecting, staying awake
Just A Stray Cat: Brooklyn Bridge
mariuszj8: Pyramid of Menkaure
Lanpernas .: Trasunto
Kavan The Kid: "Keeping it All Together"
Archie Tucker: DSC_8419dm3
Alessia.Izzo: Eliza VII
Jessica Ronca ►: Enter the void.
MounaTahar: Drowning in the Liquid of Life
J_Chuk: Flawless
zazenit: 2negatives
*Erickcito: Kelsey