Edd The Drummer:
Base camp
Edd The Drummer:
Basic facilities
Edd The Drummer:
DOC's Mangamate Waterfall Campsite
Edd The Drummer:
State Highway 38
Edd The Drummer:
Oh Flower Of Scotland!
Edd The Drummer:
Paul & Jono
Edd The Drummer:
Coffee in a toilet
Edd The Drummer:
Ominous skies, beautiful forest
Edd The Drummer:
Singletrack starts here!
Edd The Drummer:
One at a time
Edd The Drummer:
Jono crosses safely
Edd The Drummer:
Stunning bush
Edd The Drummer:
Yours truly
Edd The Drummer:
Hut #1 - Skips Hut
Edd The Drummer:
Edd The Drummer:
Hut #2 - Rogers Hut
Edd The Drummer:
Admiring the decor
Edd The Drummer:
Stained glass windows!
Edd The Drummer:
Only 22kms to go...
Edd The Drummer:
Impressive track building
Edd The Drummer:
Hut #3 - Moerangi Hut
Edd The Drummer:
Swooping descent
Edd The Drummer:
Views on the way down
Edd The Drummer:
Vines enveloping a tree
Edd The Drummer:
Waiting for the tail-enders
Edd The Drummer:
Jono braves the river
Edd The Drummer:
Men in shorts
Edd The Drummer:
Unloading for day 2
Edd The Drummer:
Whirinaki MTB Track Entrance
Edd The Drummer:
Whirinaki MTB Track Access Road