Edd The Drummer: Naomi's turn
Edd The Drummer: Staunch MTB Man
Edd The Drummer: Moerangi Hut
Edd The Drummer: Tinnie Speakers
Edd The Drummer: Treehugger Under Fallen Relative
Edd The Drummer: Toasted Snake
Edd The Drummer: Lunch #14
Edd The Drummer: Tree Hugger
Edd The Drummer: Cow Hugger
Edd The Drummer: Passing under the Fallen
Edd The Drummer: Alive and Squirming
Edd The Drummer: Marty helping the 1st aid kit across
Edd The Drummer: Roasted Rattlesnake
Edd The Drummer: Andy shows Edd the way across
Edd The Drummer: Massaging Shower
Edd The Drummer: Pete's party trick
Edd The Drummer: On the slip
Edd The Drummer: Huge slip
Edd The Drummer: Finished
Edd The Drummer: Well earned beers
Edd The Drummer: Final wee climb back to the house
Edd The Drummer: Simon over the treetrunk bridge
Edd The Drummer: Mac taking it easy
Edd The Drummer: Stu over the treetrunk bridge
Edd The Drummer: Pete over the treetrunk bridge
Edd The Drummer: Marty over the treetrunk bridge
Edd The Drummer: Naomi over the treetrunk bridge
Edd The Drummer: Andy over the treetrunk bridge
Edd The Drummer: Whirinaki Track
Edd The Drummer: More erosion