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Eddie McG
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Eddie McG
women with baby girl
Eddie McG
with Jackie May 1953
Eddie McG
Wildwood 1952
Eddie McG
Wildwood 1951
Eddie McG
Wildwood 1950 with Jimmy and Jackie Dana
Eddie McG
unknown wedding
Eddie McG
unknown man at beach
Eddie McG
unknown house
Eddie McG
unknown boy
Eddie McG
Tuna Burnget 1959
Eddie McG
three generations of ladies
Eddie McG
senior prom December 27 1957
Eddie McG
seasons greetings Rickards
Eddie McG
quartermaster Grandpop and coworkers 1942
Eddie McG
Molly Desiderio 1970s lived to be over 100
Eddie McG
Mildreds cousin Lottie
Eddie McG
Mildred and Anna 1941
Eddie McG
Mike Andolfi 1962
Eddie McG
Michael McGrath 1 year
Eddie McG
Mary Theresa 16 months 1941
Eddie McG
Mary school day 1946
Eddie McG
Mary Andolfi first communion
Eddie McG
Mary Andolfi baby picture
Eddie McG
Mary Andolfi 1956
Eddie McG
JFK tomb 1964
Eddie McG
High School graduation June 1957
Eddie McG
Helen Nieland and parents
Eddie McG
Gloria Sabby and Mary
Eddie McG
cousin Mary and Joe Corney
Eddie McG
Carol Piergilini 1955 maid of honor
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