Chris Vees (priorité maison): Sperm whale breaching
ScottS101: Galapagos Jaws
Tony Wu Underwater Photography: Trio of Sperm Whales
Tony Wu Underwater Photography: Humpback whale singer (Megaptera novaeangliae)
PedroMadruga: Physeter macrocephalus
oceaneco: porpoise2
oceaneco: edit
oceaneco: surface
oceaneco: Faith!
tim stenton Cachalot or Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) 30 Jun-10-16117
Eric Lafforgue: Bana girl with gun - Omo valley Ethiopia
bytegirl24: balloonfiesta2 187
PictureOnTheWall: Food Fight
Gabriel.Lascu: IGUANIMALIA
Gabriel.Lascu: Peace & Freedom
astro_paolo: Elba and Piombino, Italy
PedroMadruga: Delphinus delphis
PedroMadruga: Stenella frontalis
PedroMadruga: Stenella frontalis
Eric Lafforgue: Donga in Surma tribe - Ethiopia
Eric Lafforgue: Surma girl bringing cow meat - Ethiopia
astro_paolo: Moon and Earth
♥ Nadia ♥: Energia
Rafael González de Riancho (Lunada) / Rafa Rianch: THE POWER OF THE STORM VI /lighthouse-waves / Foto: Rafael G. Riancho.Faro de Mouro.Santander.Waves-Olas.Lighthouse.Faros tormenta.RAFA RIANCHO / 1903DSC
- Gigapix -: MT - # 8/09
driftindreamin: Eye see you
Gregg Obst: Wingman with bad intentions...