Ecodude Photos: Election Night Party in Washington, DC
Ecodude Photos: 14th & U Street NW - Election Night Party!
Ecodude Photos: 14th and U Street NW - Election Night Party
Ecodude Photos: Me and Obama
Ecodude Photos: 14th & U Street NW DC Election Night Party
Ecodude Photos: Sign of the times!
Ecodude Photos: Hope on 14th and U Street
Ecodude Photos: Obama - Party in Washington, DC
Ecodude Photos: 14th and U Street NW
Ecodude Photos: MLK & Obama!
Ecodude Photos: Party on 14th Street NW
Ecodude Photos: Obama at the White House
Ecodude Photos: O ba ma... O ba ma... O ba ma!
Ecodude Photos: Election Night Party - White House
Ecodude Photos: 14th and U Street NW Election Night Party
Ecodude Photos: Walking to the White House
Ecodude Photos: Walking to the White House - 12:45 a.m.
Ecodude Photos: 14th and U party
Ecodude Photos: Goodnight George
Ecodude Photos: Hey Hey Hey... Goodbye!