Ecodude Photos: WGP_0207 Kildeer
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0195 Kildeer
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0192 American Avocet
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0201 American Avocet
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0184 American Avocet
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0173 Black-necked Stilt
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0164 Black-necked Stilt
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0150 Black-necked Stilt
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0138 Franklin Gull
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0125 Male Ruddy Duck
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0118 Clalrk's Grebe-Edit-318
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0114 Western Grebe
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0107 Muskrat
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0105 Muskrat
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0097 Yellow-headed Blackbird
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0039 Cliff Swallow
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0212 Cliff Swallows - Mass Dining Experience
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0082 Tree Swallows
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0046 Tree Swallow Keeping Guard on the Gate
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0077 Tree Swallow on Last Year's Pragmites Inflorescense
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0071 Canada Geese pair with 13 goslings!
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0063 White-faced Ibis
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0025 American White Pelican
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0355 Yellow Water reflections
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0130 white water-lily Nymphaea with cricket & pollinator bee
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0116 white water lily with pollinator Nymphaea
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0238 Sacred Lotus _ Nelumbo nucifera
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0245 Sacred Lotus Nelumbo nucifera
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0386 white wetland flower
Ecodude Photos: WGP_0376 Little Pied Cormorant-Microcarbo melanoleucos