"Elox": or the wind will hear...
"Elox": Sun tracer
"Elox": When a blind man
"Elox": Ra'ad
the69th: reflection
the69th: in thoughts
the69th: reflection
the69th: another world
the69th: snowfall
Jeen Na: color pulsation
Jeen Na: rough skin; paper thin
morkedi ©: Buğu
Solarity_1138: Campbell's Covered Bridge BW
anemon :): to the unknown...
hamaratkedi: I wish I was water.
Nurbanu D: 52510008
manyfires: where mice fear to tread
manyfires: remnants of fall
hamaratkedi: spring to come
hamaratkedi: menekşe
marco|g: Day 309/365