ebo: Lem feeling squirrelly (his word choice)
ebo: Hope & Aud #latergram
ebo: Boys I luv #latergram
ebo: Sugar Plum Fairy breaks from signing autographs long enough to pose with Lem
ebo: Feeding buffaloes
ebo: Derek & Abs on pie
ebo: They weren't kidding about the sunsets here
ebo: D's very own tumbleweed
ebo: Country boy
ebo: Cheyenne here we come!
ebo: Seen lots of things sharing laundry facilities, but this is a new one
ebo: Found this 3x5 in a stack of papers... guess we need a better system
ebo: At least the snow is melting
ebo: Eyeball cookies and chefs
ebo: Love how these two use space on an 8-ft couch
ebo: Getting started
ebo: Aslan & Prince Caspian just stopped by
ebo: Carrot soup
ebo: Genuinely stoked to be at the dentist (no cavities!)
ebo: Dude stopped me, dropped & spilled the trash can he was rolling & asked that I take his picture. Figure he'd want me to post it?
ebo: Cousins & Abe
ebo: Double lollipops
ebo: It's Soren! (National Air and Space Museum)
ebo: Derek & Anneliese at the National Air and Space Museum
ebo: Same song different car
ebo: Native New Yorker thinks subway poles are for chumps
ebo: New school year; new glasses; old friend