eam31: This bee is harvesting fuzz from the lambs' ears. Can't really say I blame it!
eam31: I'm sitting eating my lunch on our new arbour, and these two are about a metre away. Apparently I'm not very threatening under here!
eam31: Summer made it to Boundary Park.
eam31: The leaves aren't as purple now as when they're new, but still lovely. The rose growing through makes me smile. The small child nextdoor saying "I wish we had fake grass so we didn't have to garden" not so much.
eam31: Random pictures from walking to and from my hotel. It was just over a mile. I like (occasionally!) walking through London. The different types and ages of buildings is fascinating. I overheard a European trying to explain the difference between the City
eam31: I love the Barbican for the window boxes and plants that soften all the concrete. The shapes are interesting, but the plants make it alive.
eam31: All my aquilegia are self sown, but most of them are pale. Loving the colour of this one. Maybe I should try to get some seeds?
eam31: This baby crow in our garden doesn't look in great shape... I'll leave it for now, and check in on it later. Hopefully a parent will come and find it
eam31: Popped into the @ashmoleanmuseum to see the exhibit on Flemish artists, which was great, but I was fascinated by this exhibit from Pio Abad (https://ift.tt/4sx5Ua8). I love the use of museum artifacts reimagined and displayed in new ways - like the blades
eam31: The southern tip of Florida. Not the side I usually approach from!
eam31: Long old travel day, but not a bad view now I've made it.
eam31: Horse chestnut candles. Yay for trees with flowers!
eam31: Disney's Hollywood Studios
eam31: Evening sun on the water feature - now with added allium! The garden is a bit... Voluptuous? Over-enthusiastic? Right now, but that's kind of nice.
eam31: Was planning a busy day of gardening and housework, but derailed that slightly by trying to take the tip off a finger when finishing up trimming this rosemary. 😱 I'm ok. It's all still there. Feeling stupid and careless mostly. And I didn't even t
eam31: Thought I was home for 2 weeks between trips so I bought myself some flowers. Turns out I'm only actually home for 9 days. Oh well.
eam31: Downside: BA cancelled our flight home tonight. Upside: our Disney tickets are still valid...
eam31: I think I take this shot every time we come. I don't care. I love that view!
eam31: Had to be done. May the 4th and all that.
eam31: I love this dragon. UK peeps, don't be fooled by the sky. It was still rather warm.
eam31: @clarkie28 did parkrun with me, I played golf with her. Another terrible day...
eam31: Clermont parkrun. More beautiful and much warmer than Didcot. #parkrun #clermontparkrun
eam31: Windsor
eam31: Not my normal travel attire! Thanks for the loan @claire_j_smith_1234.
eam31: This geum flowers so well,.for so long. 😍
eam31: I've got a new outdoor sketching setup I wanted to try, so I did a 20 minute sketch of the bird table. It works pretty well! Just me that needs more practice... 😂
eam31: This is the first time I've been in Oxford Town Hall. Bit ornate. Not sure why I expected anything less tbh. I'm looking forward to this...
eam31: Planted some new things today. Fingers crossed at least some of them make it!
eam31: Our bench rotted through this winter, so we replaced it! This arrived in kit form around new year's, and it's taken us until Easter to get it painted and (mostly) assembled. There's still a fascia and some armrests to go, but I didn't want to commit to th
eam31: Cherry blossom downed by yesterday's storm on our patio table. Felt sort of symbolic this morning!