Mr. Lincoln: "It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul" (Judy Garland)
Mr. Lincoln: "When Irish Eyes are Smiling sure it's like a morn in spring..." (Olcott/Graff)
Mr. Lincoln: "There is a reason the word 'belonging' has a synonym for 'want' at its centre; it is the human condition" (Jodi Picoult)
koen_jacobs: Highlanders
koen_jacobs: La Bourgeoise
casart_jernigan: Katie on Bench
cmoncymru: DSC_2585_edited-1
Jevgens: The Katja storm in Tallinn
gajetdijepun: Tokina AF 28-80 2.8 (canon) [a132]
Jevgens: The Katja storm in Tallinn
ewitsoe: Lifeguard on duty
Jean-Luc Peluchon: Cumulonimbus mammatus [Explore]
seyo′s Image story: 一部老車。總能轉動那段南征北討的記憶。 6D+CANON 50mm F1.2 L
flavijus: 07 (21) - from a book - BE TARPININKŲ / TRAVELING OPENLY
seyo′s Image story: "沒戴眼鏡拍照的好處,就是每個都是亮點" 6D+蘇聯 八羽怪 HELIOS 44-2
35mm film photography: Et3 Primavera
Ed.ward: Looking out
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Stalworth Steveston Sunset
Ryan Kimball: From the ride home
shinichiro*: Fluffy hat
seyo′s Image story: 我為這城市繫上黃絲帶,祈求暖陽能夠回來