Jordi AC: Fence for the morning light
Jordi AC: Dutch wake up in December
Jordi AC: A Dutch ground
Jordi AC: ...a flag on the street...
Jordi AC: ...the lonely cloud...
Jordi AC: ...and some times...Dutch clouds dress in the morning...
Jordi AC: all the Dutch wake ups are grey...
Jordi AC: there any reason why we prefer a given corner...?
Jordi AC: ...the lay out of a Dutch spring...
Jordi AC: ....enjoying a good shadow...on both sides....
Jordi AC: ...Dutch sunsets can last spring...
Jordi AC: ...Dutch winter nights can be. -ocasionally- rather warm...
Jordi AC: ...bicycles...?...this must be The Netherlands....
Jordi AC: ....ocasionally....remaining silent may help...
Jordi AC: ...getting lost between the last shadows of a cold day...
Jordi AC: ...easy to get lost...on a winter sunset....
Jordi AC: ...and what about the Dutch winter blues....?