Jordi AC: I wish you a happy ...2018...that will still start in yellow...
Jordi AC: ...a sharp way to...
Jordi AC: ...all the way up....
Jordi AC: ...a long and hard way up...
Jordi AC: ...about a quiet evenning...
Jordi AC: ...I wonder why night and jazz go that well together...
Jordi AC: ...most likel...the look of that silence...
Jordi AC: ...follow him...?
Jordi AC: ...showing off...?
Jordi AC: ...easy to get trapped...
Jordi AC: ....still silence...and blue....
Jordi AC: ...a day in a salty existance...
Jordi AC: ....slowly marching in...
Jordi AC: ... and spring left us some memories...
Jordi AC: ...perhaps getting trapped in a golden net...
Jordi AC: ...those early morning blues...
Jordi AC: ...can't break the silence...
Jordi AC: ...about a window...a special window...
Jordi AC: ...can be about freshness....
Jordi AC: ....when ups and downs dress both in pink....
Jordi AC: ... spring is rather l'Empordà...
Jordi AC: rush...
Jordi AC: ....spring can be l'Empordà...
Jordi AC: ...also time for white....
Jordi AC: ....definitely...spring is often hidden...
Jordi AC: ...should I trust you....?
Jordi AC: ...soon...D.O. Empordà...
Jordi AC: spring is about....light and color...
Jordi AC: ...spring also happens...for the old tree...
Jordi AC: ...some spring the vineyards...